125 W. Lewis and Clark Pkwy Clarksville IN 8am - 3pm registration closes at noon DOS registration $30.00 Live entertainment EPSON MFP image
Monthly Meeting American Legion 1930 McDonald Lane, New Albany IN 7 pm
403 West Maple Street Jeffersonville IN 10am - 3pm Registration is from 8am - 11am Pre-registration $15.00 DOS registration $20.00 More info contact Paul @ 502-291-0257
O'Reilly Auto Parts, 275 Blankenbaker Pkwy Louisville KY 6pm-9pm Door Prizes, Food and Music
1040 S. Indiana Ave Sellersburg IN Pre-registration $15.00 by August 3rd DOS registration $20.00 Registration cut off is noon More info contct Heidi @ 502-664-9409
More info to follow
Monthly Meeting American Legion 1930 McDonald Lane, New Albany IN 7 pm
Somerset KY
Silver Creek Township Park 249 N Fern Street Sellersburg IN Noon - 3pm
O'Reilly Auto Parts, 275 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Louisville KY 6pm-9pm Door Prizes, Food and Music
8a-3p New Washington Fire Dept, 23511 Hwy 62 New Washington IN $20.00 entry fee
Marty and Brenda will be hosting the annual breakfast and poker run at 7369 Hwy 362 Nabb IN For all FCMC members and their guest. Breakfast starts at 8:30am followed by the poker run thru southern Indiana back roads, we will have a late lunch after the drive.